Friday, September 20, 2024


Join The LOV.I.M Club

Join a Loving Intuitive Mastermind to Elevate, Inspire, and Empower!

Do You Want To Impact Thousands?

Be featured on a national online platform and share your journey. We use Napoleon Hill's approach to benefit from the collective wisdom of the group to activate your unique gifts and potential while finding practical solutions to achieving your goals. Join today for your weekly boost of joy and inspiration!

What to Expect:

  • Gratitude Circle: Cultivate a heart-centered approach to reaching your goals.
  • Intuitive Masterminding: Tap into group insights to overcome obstacles and celebrate successes.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with like-minded individuals who are genuinely invested in your growth.

Bonus! There will be special guests taking you through powerful exercises to elevate you further, as well as the use of techniques such as mindmapping and positive gossiping to anchor and support your growth. We also get to move our energy and bodies with some light qi gong, tapping, and breathwork.

When: Sundays from 7-8 pm CET (1 pm Toronto EST)

Duration: 60 minutes

Fee: €25/month

Click this link to sign up for LOV.I.M

Thursday, September 05, 2024


How Were You Loved As A Child?

The way we were loved as children deeply influences how we seek and express love as adults. Those early experiences become the blueprint for our adult relationships, often shaping our needs in ways we might not fully understand until we take a closer look.

Growing up as the child of hardworking immigrants, love was shown through actions. My parents made sure we had three homemade meals on the table every day, which was a big deal for them since they often went without in their own childhoods. They pushed me to face my fears because they believed I could achieve great things. They were strict but taught me the value of boundaries, the importance of integrity, and the power of delayed gratification. When they asked, "How are you?" they genuinely meant it.

Was my childhood perfect? No, no one's is. Our lives were simple, structured, and strict—but I never doubted that I was loved. If you asked "little me" what I would have wanted more of, I'd have said more hugs, more time to play, and more moments to be with my parents outside of our tight schedule since they were often away working long hours. Even with some gaps, I look back and feel incredibly blessed by the love that I received from my family and the mentors and friends who were in our lives.

Not being able to see my parents as often as I would have liked, I now deeply value quality time with people I care about. Not having had enough emotional outlets or opportunities to express my feelings, I now value genuine words of appreciation and clear verbal communication. Wishing for more hugs in my childhood, I enjoy the physical closeness (a caress, a hug, a pat on the shoulder) of loved ones which include pets and nature.

What about you?

How Childhood Love Shapes Adult Relationships

Understanding how we were loved as children helps us see why we seek or avoid certain types of love as adults. If you didn’t get much physical affection, you might crave it now—or you might find it uncomfortable. If verbal encouragement was scarce, you might find yourself drawn to partners who verbally express appreciation well, or struggle with expressing your own emotions.

This also plays out in friendships, family dynamics, and even at work. For instance, someone who didn’t receive much verbal affirmation as a child might downplay compliments or feel uneasy when praised since it is so unfamiliar, and they don't know how to handle praise when received.

Throughout my life, I saw patterns of how people received and gave love. If there was a mismatch, these wonderful people would often start growing apart.

The Five Love Languages: A Tool for Understanding

Dr. Gary Chapman’s "Five Love Languages" offers a simple yet powerful framework to understand how these childhood experiences influence our adult lives. The five languages—Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch—represent different ways people express and prefer to receive love.

  • Words of Affirmation: If you grew up with lots of praise, you might value kind words now.
  • Acts of Service: If your parents showed love by doing things for you, you might feel most loved when someone helps you out.
  • Receiving Gifts: If thoughtful gifts were a big part of your childhood, you might see them as a key expression of love.
  • Quality Time: If your family prioritized togetherness, you might crave uninterrupted time with loved ones.
  • Physical Touch: If hugs and physical closeness were central, you might need physical touch to feel connected.

Understanding your love language and its roots in your childhood can help you communicate your needs more effectively, leading to stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Insights from Dr. Gabor Maté and Research

Dr. Gabor Maté, a leading voice in trauma and emotional health, explains that unmet childhood needs can drive us to seek out relationships that fulfill those voids. This can sometimes lead to repeating patterns from our past or creating relationships where the dynamic mirrors our early experiences. Research supports this idea, showing that our attachment style and emotional needs are deeply influenced by our childhood experiences.

A Path to Understanding and Growth

Recognizing how your past influences your present is empowering. It lets you address old patterns and make conscious choices in your relationships. Therapy, self-reflection, and open communication can help you heal and connect with others in healthier ways.

What about you? How did you receive love as a child, and how do you most prefer to express and receive love now?

Consider the important people in your life and ask them the same questions. It may lead to some laughs and new ideas about how you can appreciate and show up for each other in even more meaningful ways.

Another way to open up that conversation is to play a game of the five love languages (after you've done the quiz). I was in Estonia recently and met Daryl Seager. He had created a card deck that gives a list of ideas for each of the five love languages. Daryl kindly gifted my boyfriend and I a deck. It's filled with fun, insightful, and easy-to-do things that speak to the specific love language of your loved ones. You can find out more about them here:

Happy loving and appreciating!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Overcoming Arthritis and Chronic Pain Webinar with Yvette Farkas

I'm happy to share my first webinar on the topic of overcoming arthritis and chronic pain. It's been quite the journey to learning with life throwing some interesting curve balls. lol.
I have so much gratitude to my family and friends who have helped me through several health challenges over the years, and supported my journey back to health.
This webinar gives a condensed overview of a small sampling of that journey, along with information about an exciting new 3-month program I am launching this fall!
If this speaks to you - and I know it will for most - I invite you to join me on the quest to love living in your body even more and to create a life that delights, supports, and inspires you!
With love,


What if I told you that your mindset holds the key to overcoming chronic joint pain? Imagine approaching each day with confidence, where stress no longer triggers pain, and every movement feels effortless. The way you think and feel directly impacts your physical health, especially when it comes to chronic pain. Real Results! Personal Story: I once suffered from debilitating arthritis that left me unable to use my right hand for two years. Through powerful mindset shifts, I was able to completely reverse my condition and reclaim full use of my hand. Client Success: A client of mine, struggling with severe joint pain and mobility challenges, was able to reduce her pain significantly after learning how to shift her mindset once she understood the connection between her stress and physical well-being. She now navigates her daily life with ease and has a renewed zest for living. Benefits: Pain Reduction: Changing your mindset can drastically reduce your pain levels, allowing you to move freely without discomfort. Increased Resilience: A stronger mindset makes you more resilient, helping you handle stress without it triggering physical pain. Enhanced Quality of Life: With a positive mindset, you'll experience a greater sense of well-being, enabling you to enjoy life more fully. Sign up for the next webinar here (Overcoming Arthritis and Chronic Pain): In this webinar, you will learn: * Why your genes are not your destiny—learn how the right approach can help you heal and thrive. * The four main causes of joint pain and how to address them. * The three keys to reclaiming your vitality and freedom. * My personal story of how I overcame debilitating arthritis and how you can too. Who Is This For? If you’re a high-achiever ready to shift your mindset and free yourself from the grip of chronic pain, then my program - Empower Her Healing - is for you. Ready for Your Breakthrough? Learn more in this 60-minute webinar and take the first step toward a life you love, free from chronic pain. Share this information with the people in your life who can benefit most. I’m excited to walk this path with you and witness your transformation! Warm regards, Yvette Holistic Health Coach & Bio-resonance Consultant | Speaker | Author | WhatsApp: +1 437 235 4996 Email: Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A little about my background: I am a holistic health coach, bio-resonance consultant, speaker, and author with over 25 years of clinical experience guiding individuals to create lives they love. My work is focused on addressing the root causes of chronic conditions and empowering people to live their vision. The founder of the LOV.I.M method and the Empower Her Healing program, I specialize in helping high-achieving men and women overcome perfectionism and self-doubt. ​Through a transformative 12-week journey, I lead them to reclaim vibrant health and reignite their passion for life. With 30 years of martial arts training—earning three black belts and visiting the Shaolin temple—I bring deep expertise in resilience and advanced mindset strategies to my work. My approach combines ancient healing techniques such as Taoist and Ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture, nutrition, energy healing, breathwork, and the ability to leverage a strong network of outsanding therapists I've personally vetted and worked with. With 25 years of yoga practice under my belt, I’ve empowered thousands to positively transform their lives through martial arts and yogic approaches to wellbeing. ​My work has reached broad audiences, including delivering wellness strategies to the largest member organization in the world, captivating over 50,000 attendees at large venues like the Rogers Centre in Toronto, and leading programs at one of Canada’s top martial arts schools. I regularly share my insights across various platforms, publications, and podcasts, inspiring others to reconnect with their physical health, mindset, and emotional well-being. I've had the honour of speaking on prestigious stages like MindValley University, and my work has been featured in national media outlets such as CBC Radio, The Globe and Mail, AGO, University of Toronto, Centennial College, and The National Library of Canada. I’m also the author of influential books on health and art, as well as a unique line of children's books that subtly incorporate top coaching strategies into engaging stories. My mission is to inspire and guide individuals to take control of their health and happiness, helping them fall in love with themselves and their lives by overcoming mystery ailments and living their vision every day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


The "Gratitude Slump - 9 Tips For When It's Hard

What can you do when you find yourself in a "gratitude slump"? We’ve all been there—feeling stuck, exhausted, or uninspired by gratitude practices that once brought joy. It’s easy to think, "I've tried this before, and nothing changed." But let’s get real: there are times when life’s challenges make it hard to feel grateful, and all the talk about gratitude can even feel more irritating than uplifting.

Ever had those days? Yeah, you're not alone. Many of us have experienced those lackluster moments where old patterns and negative thinking take over. But here’s the thing: it’s okay to feel this way. The first step is to be gentle with yourself and recognize that this low-energy phase will pass.

Sometimes, when we’re too drained or disheartened, it’s not about forcing gratitude but about shifting our physical state first. If you're feeling stuck, try moving your body—go for a run, take a swim, ride a bike, or hit that hot yoga class. Two other great ways to move energy is to do some focused breathwork or laugh hard. Really hard. Physical movement, breathwork, and laughter can help release pent-up energy, boost your endorphins and dopamine, and get you into a more receptive mindset. Physical movement can help release pent-up energy, boost your endorphins and dopamine, and get you into a more receptive mindset.

The key is to keep coming back to the practice, even on the tough days. Just like with any sport or art form, consistency makes it easier and more natural over time. Why invest in a regular gratitude practice? Because it’s incredibly powerful. When you combine genuine emotions of appreciation with focused intent, you invite in more of what you desire.

On those challenging days, start small. Appreciate the simple pleasures—a soothing cup of tea, the satisfaction of a good night’s sleep, or the beauty of nature around you. These small acts of gratitude can be the spark that reignites your practice. Just like compounding interest, consistent gratitude builds over time, rewiring your brain, shifting your thoughts, and eventually transforming your experiences.

Take it one step at a time, and soon enough, you'll find it easier to tap into the power of gratitude, even on the most challenging days.

9 Tips for Cultivating Gratitude When It's Tough:

  1. Use Gratitude Prompts: Sometimes, it’s hard to know where to start. Use prompts like “What’s one thing that made you smile today?” or “Who is someone you’re thankful for?” to guide your thoughts.

2. Create a Visual Reminder: Place photos, quotes, or mementos around your home or workspace that remind you of things you’re grateful for, helping you refocus throughout the day.

3. Gratitude Breathing: Combine deep breathing with gratitude. As you inhale, think of something positive; as you exhale, release any stress or negative thoughts.

4. Set a Gratitude Alarm: Set an alarm on your phone to go off at the same time each day, reminding you to pause and reflect on something you’re grateful for in that moment.

5. Gratitude Walks: Take a walk with the sole intention of noticing and appreciating your surroundings—nature, architecture, the weather—whatever catches your eye.

6. Practice Gratitude in Advance: Think about upcoming events and express gratitude for the positive outcomes you expect to see. This shifts your mindset towards optimism.

7. Gratitude for Challenges: Reflect on a current challenge and ask yourself what lesson it might be teaching you. Finding gratitude in tough situations can transform your perspective.

8. Pair Gratitude with Routine Tasks: While doing daily chores (like washing dishes or folding laundry), focus on the fact that you have a healthy and strong body that can do these chores, and how wonderful it is to have clean dishes to use, or how good it feels to have a clean home to invite guests into. This helps integrate gratitude into your everyday life.

9 Gratitude Before Sleep: End your day by recalling three positive moments from the day, no matter how small. This helps you wind down and sleep with a sense of peace.

6 Bonus gratitude practices for long-term integration:

  1. Create a gratitude jar and add notes of thanks throughout each week then read them all at the end of the year.

2. Create a folder with photos of you enjoying special moments. Look at these regularly as a powerful reminder of the many beautiful experiences and people you have in your life.

3. When eating with family or friends, ask everyone to share one thing they are most thankful for that day. This is a great habit to create with children.

4. Start a gratitude circle with friends or colleagues where you regularly share what you're thankful for.

5. Share your gratitude on social media to inspire others.

6. Express your appreciation to someone in your life with a handwritten note or a voice message.

What are your best tips to overcoming the "gratitude slump?"


Yvette Farkas is a Holistic Health Coach and Bio-resonance Consultant who empowers individuals to overcome mystery ailments and live their vision. As a speaker, author, and founder of heart-warming books, workshops, and a signature 12-week program, Yvette guides you to fall in love with yourself and your life. Embrace vibrant health, and elevate your life and your organization's success.

Start your path to wellness today by booking a 1:1 complimentary discovery call.

GratitudeSlump, hashtagGratitudeBlock, hashtagReigniteGratitude, hashtagGratitudePracticeTips, hashtagOvercomingGratitudeChallenges, hashtagBoostGratitudeMindset, hashtagDailyGratitudeStrategies, hashtagGratitudeAndMentalHealth, hashtagBenefitsOfGratitude, hashtagGratitudeMotivation, hashtagGratitudePrompts, hashtagGratitudeReminders, hashtagGratitudeBreathing, hashtagGratitudeRoutine, hashtagGratitudeInChallenges, hashtagGratitudeWalks, hashtagGratitudeBeforeSleep, hashtagPositiveMindset.